“When are we going to
Ready when
you are.
Too often, organizations miss golden opportunities to share information that helps everyone succeed. David’s expertise in neurology, technology, curriculum design, and instruction – plus a sense of humor – ensures that your learning experiences help you achieve your goals.
Let’s be honest: Most training and professional development events suck. They suck time, they suck energy, and they suck money, because they treat participants as passive students and not active learners, which means most attendees walk out the door and go right back to doing things the same old way.
The answer is Open-Source Learning. From the very beginning of your engagement, David elicits, analyzes, and applies your constituents’ input to build on strengths and address specific areas of improvement. David then designs, delivers, and supports an engaging training event that is guaranteed to help you achieve your individual and organizational goals.
David’s expertise in curriculum design, event and space planning, technology architecture, instruction, coaching, and assessment will ensure that your people get the information and inspiration they need to transform their perspective, document their improvement, and show a causal relationship between what they learn and how well they perform.
Meeting Facilitation
It takes a great conductor to get the best out of an orchestra.
Whether you already have an agenda or you’re building an event from scratch, David can help ensure you get the best individual contributions from your participants, and that you achieve your desired outcomes.
Your meeting may be an hour long or it may be an off-site retreat. You may want to focus on M&A, strategic planning, succession, teambuilding, conflict, a new product, or quarterly performance. David will work with you to optimize what you have, so that your meeting does what you want.
During the discovery and agenda-setting processes, David immediately establishes understanding and rapport that elicits every participant’s enthusiastic engagement and most productive performance. Imagine your most resistant employee walking out of the meeting and saying with a smile, “OK I admit it. You were right – this is exactly what we needed. It wasn’t just productive, it was actually fun!”
A Serious Note About Fun: Fun is an underrated key to success. We do our best when we are fully engaged, and we are most fully engaged when we are not distracted by thoughts like, “This is horrible and I wish I were doing just about anything else.” Fun is also a happy outcome of planning, skill, hard work, and success. Ask yourself: Have you ever seen a sports team mope in the locker room after winning a championship? A: No, you have not, and neither has anyone else, because it has never happened. Winning is fun.
The Corporate University
Have you ever wondered why some companies call their training programs a “university”? It may sound like an exaggeration, but the word university is a shortened form of universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which means “community of masters and scholars.”
If your organization wants to connect people who know stuff with people who want to know stuff, and you want to organize those relationships in ways that others can see and document because they improve understanding and performance, you are on your way to creating a university.
David can help you create your university as an organization-within-an-organization, complete with its own vision-driven operation and technology architecture that supports effective instruction, web events, and opportunities to learn from the best. In addition, David will help you use Web3 tools for enrollment, course completion, microcredentialing, and badging for use on digital resumes.